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Friends ! SportPoint and Bulat GYM offer FREE section on Thai boxing classes for children and teenagers . Classes will be open from 5 to 6 pm daily . An experienced trainer will teach your children self-defense and discipline. Only in SportPoint! See you!

           Спорт, как стиль жизни


В нашем Фитнес Центре у вас есть возможность посещать не только тренажерный зал и кардио зону, но и групповые тренировки — Pilates, Crossfit, Muay Thai и другие. Наш тренерский состав — мастера международного класса. А пока мамы тренируются в спортзале, их малыши будут заняты в игровом уголке.




This program of trainings is 20 years old, and it’s effectiveness was improved for this period. In comparison with other programs of constant intensity HIIT-trainings helps to reach good and stable results. The secret of success of interval trainings is in increasing of the main metabolism, when calories continue to burn for several hours after training. This training helps to make the reached result of relief of muscle good and stable. 



The resort Pattaya is interested not only because of entertainments, but also sportclubs. Tenerife Sport Point is fitness center, where there are everything for keeping your body in tonus. Sportclub has modern trainers, and has swimming pool and sauna. Russian-speaking instructors of  such programs as HotIron, CrossFit, Step, Functional, ABS, BOSU, Pilates, Stretching, Cycling and other work in our club. 



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